Inventory at the strategic stands to prevent forest fires

Continuing the monitoring of forestry activities of the project was started in June mensuration and structure inventories of forest stands for action C6, located at strategic points to prevent forest fires. In total, about 42 ha in Solsonès, 10 ha in the ZEC Tivisa – Vandellos – Llaberia and 17ha in the Natural Park of Ports.

Through this inventory will obtain the necessary information regarding the structure to design forest forestry activities necessary to reduce the risk of forest fires, which is the main objective of the action C6. The performances will be differentiated into two types. On the one hand, there will be silvicultural treatments using innovative multifunctional management models ORGEST, on the other hand is expected to act through prescribed fires conducted by specialized personnel of Fire. Once the treatments were performed in strategic sites, resulting forest structures with an affordable fire behavior to ensure extinction or prevent the generation of high-intensity fires.

In all silvicultural treatments and prescribed burning will monitored effects on forest structure and evaluate their effectiveness in both the fire behavior as the influence on biodiversity.


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