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Areas of operation
Prepirineu central català
Serra de Montserrat
Serra de Castelltallat
Obagues de la riera de Madrona
Serres de Queralt i Els Tossals-Aigua d’Ora
Serres de Cardó – El Boix
Muntanyes de Prades
Serra de Llaberia
Els Ports
Serra de Montsant
Conservation actions
C1. Conservation and value assignation to lone stands of Pinus nigra
C2. Silvicultural actions to improve the habitat in young dense forests with little vitality, low structural diversity and elevated fire risk
C3. Silvicultural actions to improve the habitat in mature forests without regeneration, with simplified structure and low diversity
C4. Improvement of the structure, maturity and biodiversity of intensively exploited and degraded forests with irregular structures
C5. Recuperation of Pinus nigra stands in areas affected by fire
C6. Strategic silvicultural actions for the prevention of great forest fires in Pinus nigra forests
C7. Conservation of adult Pinus nigra forests adapted to natural fire regime
Publications of the project
Photographic gallery
Newsletter and reports
Areas of operation
Serra de Llaberia
Serra de Llaberia
Surface of
Pinus nigra
100 ha
Natura 2000 site:
ES5140009 – Tivissa-Vandellós-Llaberia
Forest operations management and the conservation of biodiversity in black pine forests. The Life+PINASSA experience
Networking: The LIFE Kedros project visits the LIFE Pinassa
Sweden workshop
Newsletter nº7
Newsletter nº6
Newsletter nº5