C7. Conservation of adult Pinus nigra forests adapted to natural fire regime

The action herein attempts to emulate natural fire dynamic for low intensity fire as a key element in guaranteeing habitat conservation for Pinus nigra, defined as the maintenance of structures with low combustibility in the lower strata as well as the preservation of vital tree canopy.

In order to do so, low intensity fires will be prescribed in locations which demonstrate signs of maturity; characterized by signals of natural fire action and a combustible load in lower strata capacity to threaten the species’ survival should a fire of natural or anthropic origin pass through.

Specific Objectives

  1. Preserve the characteristics of adult woodland structures for Pinus nigra groups adapted to a natural fire regime.
  2. Avoid the loss of these adult Pinus nigra structures by forest fire in locales of high ecological and landscape value.
  3. Deepen knowledge of the relationship between fire and Pinus nigra which would allow the establishment of species management that integrates fire perturbance.


The project planned a total of 21ha, all them in the southern region. After finishing Action 3, a total of 34,14ha have been selected. ZEC distribution and their status of implementation are shown in Table 1:

Table 1. Distribution and status of actions C7 according Conservation program

Area (ha) State
southern ES5140017 Serra de Montsant-Pas de l’Ase 3,74 3,74 Finalized
southern ES5140006 Serres de Cardó-El Boix 7,33 7,33 Finalized
southern ES5140009Tivissa-Vandellòs-Llaberia 4,77 4,77 Finalized
southern ES5140011 Sistema Prelitoral Meridional 18,30 18,30 Finalized








Figure 1. Prescribed burn of action C7 in Serra de Montsant-Pas de l’Ase