Treatments performence for fire prevention (C6 ActionLife Pinassa project)

During March and April 2016 mechanical treatments of C6 action have been made (this action covers two types of treatment: mechanical and prescribed burning) in the two areas of Pinusnigra distribution: Pre-pyrenean and central area and Southern area. Stands are located on Torre de Merlí property (ZEC Serres de Queralt i elsTossals-Aiguad’Ora, Navès county, Solsonès), Secanella property (ZEC Obagues riera de Madrona, Llobera county, Solsonès) and Vall de Massanes property (ZEC Tivissa-Vandellòs-Llaberia, Colldejou county, Baix Camp).

Treatments, which are based on ORGEST management models, aim to reduce life fuel load of lower vegetation strata; increase the distance between crown and surface fuel to reduce crown fires; and finally, dose competition between strata and within each strata to promote structures more resistant to water stress and therefore less vulnerable to drought.

Next, post treatment samplings are going to be performed in order to assess the actions effects on fire behaviour.Tree inventories and surface fueldestructive sampling will be conducted, as was done previously before the treatment.

Treated plot before treatment

Treated plot before treatment

Mechanical treatment, Vall de Massanes

Mechanical treatment, Vall de Massanes

Treated plot, Vall de Massanes

Treated plot, Vall de Massanes

Treated plot, Torre de Merlí

Treated plot, Torre de Merlí

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